All tagged london

Ethical Fashion: myth, buzz word or reality?

Has the revolution begun? There are whispers on the streets of WC1 and they are getting louder. It may not be seeking to overthrow a government or deconstruct a socio-economic concept but it is seeking fair treatment for thousands of unknown victims, hidden behind the glossy facades of leading household names. The revolution will not be televised but it sure will be tweeted. I am talking of the Fashion Revolution that is...

New Year New You - A New AFRORETRO?

Wowsers 2013 was a sure-fire rollercoaster of a year for us at AFRORETRO.  Ups, downs, upside downs, exhilaration to near vomit-induced fear.  Hence I sought to see in the New Year calmly in the rolling fields of Suffolk.  Long walks, good friends, country pubs and oh yeah my lap top with a 6th of January proposal deadline…a project to refine, write and describe, a budget to formulate, complete with marketing and funding strategy…well this is me we’re talking about.  We’ve applied to Yinka Shonibare ‘s Guest Projects Africa…but more about that later.

Why AfroRetro?

Why do we do anything? Why did I stress about my hair not growing? Then why did I cut it all off and then not give a damn? Why do I consider myself a feminist but still love it when my boyfriend takes me out and buys me dinner? My life, like the world is full of whys; a seeming medley of madness.  So starting a fashion and craft business with my big sister seems as logical or illogical as most things we are faced with.