All tagged shopping

Clothing too Expensive? Think Cost per Wear!

I came across a fanatic blog post looking at a new way to view your clothing spends - COST PER WEAR! A lot of people say they cannot afford to buy ethically, as a full time creative I totally hear and feel that! However saving up and buying an item that will see you through many years may work out a lot cheaper than an item that only survives the wash a few times. 

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Ethical Fashion: myth, buzz word or reality?

Has the revolution begun? There are whispers on the streets of WC1 and they are getting louder. It may not be seeking to overthrow a government or deconstruct a socio-economic concept but it is seeking fair treatment for thousands of unknown victims, hidden behind the glossy facades of leading household names. The revolution will not be televised but it sure will be tweeted. I am talking of the Fashion Revolution that is...